Vibration Battery – 3D Lock Screen Battery

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Vibration Battery vibrationbatterymod2 Vibration Battery is a lock screen battery mod…the battery that is displayed with your device is plugged into a computer. The mod is a cool 3D style “battery.” It contains 17 frames that change as the amount of battery life changes. You can check out the Download page on ModMyi HERE. You can get Vibration Battery via the modmyi source in Cydia. The mod is enabled/disabled in WinterBoard [Read more…]

WeatherIcon Update – Changed Source?

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon Yesterday, there an update was release for the WeatherIcon mod. The update is through the modmyi source. It doesn’t make any changes to the mod however, it does replace the mod via the source. I’m not sure if David has moved his mod to the modmyi source or if the update to the app mistakenly overwrites the mod. Doug said he had a little bit of trouble with the update on his iPhone 3GS, he had to unisntall and reinstall it…then it worked. I didn’t have any issues with the update on an iPhone 3G running 3.0. [Read more…]

SpringBoard Clock Update

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SpringBoard Clock There is an update to SpringBoard Clock, a mod that adds the current time and date to your SpringBoard, to version 1.1. The update is said to change the app so that the user can use their own wallpaper and includes some bug fixes. I gave the update a shot and I’m still not having much luck. The wallpaper of the mod has been changed to a blank wallpaper but, I still cannot use it with another theme’s wallpaper (by moving the theme above the SpringBoard Clock mod in WinterBoard) or use my own wallpaper with the mod (by moving User Wallpaper above the SpringBaord Clock mod in WinterBoard). Let me know in the comments if it is working for you. You can get SpringBoard Clock via the modmyi source. Remember, there is an English version of the mod. [Read more…]

SpringBoard Clock – Display Date and Time on SpringBoard

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SpringBoard Clock This mod was originally released in a different language however, it was then re-released in English called SpringBoard Clock-English. What the mod does is add the Date and Time to the bottom of the SpringBoard where your page dots normally are. It looks the best if used with smaller icons. If you are using the stock size icons, you can turn on the Transparent Dock mod, and that will allow the SpringBoard Clock to fit a little better. The application package also includes an html file if you would like to ssh in and do some of your own customizations to the mod…it is located in the Library/Themes/Springboard Clock – English.theme folder.

The mod comes with a wallpaper that I can’t seem to change using WinterBoard which means you would have to ssh in a different wallpaper if you would like it changed. You can get this mod via the modmyi source. [Read more…]

Simplicity – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## simplicitytheme2 Simplicity is an icon set that contains 27 of the basic icons. The theme does not contain anything but icons so, you are able to customize the rest of it yourself. There are two downfalls with this theme; it does not contain an icon for the Stocks app and it is designed for the 3.0 firmware. So, if you are on 2.x or below, the Text icon will also not display. If you are comfortable with ssh, you can ssh into the Library/Themes/Simplicity.theme/Icon folder and change Messages to Text…then it will display correctly. You can get Simplicity via the modmyi source.
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Black Chrome – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Black Chrome blackchrometheme2 Black Chrome is a unique WinterBoard theme. It contains a dock, wallpaper, lock background and 2,151 icons. When you activate the theme in WinterBoard, you need to activate both the theme and the icons…they are separate. I’m not a huge fan of the icon font but, you might like it. You can get Black Chrome via the modmyi source. [Read more…]

iWildFlowers – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

iWildFlowers iwildflowerstheme2 The iWildFlowers theme contains a wallpaper, dock, status bar, lock background, lock battery and 239 icons. It is a nicely designed, girly them! YAY for girly themes! :) It is compatible with firmware 3.0 and below. If you would like to use the WeatherIcon mod in conjunction with the iWildFlowers theme, you can install the Transparent Weather Icon via the modmyifone source. You will also need to install a WeatherIcon theme…I like the Katra-based Weather Icon theme via the source.
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Add Emoticons to the Status Bar

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

MakeItMine I know many of you are probably familiar with the app MakeItMine which allows you to easily customize your Carrier Logo and Banner (that is the area where the time is located on the Status Bar). One cool thing that I just found is that you can add emoticons to your Status Bar using MIM (MakeItMine).

When you open the app, just enter the emoticons like you would your custom text (see note below). Simple and easy.
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iBlank – Create and Delete Blank Icons

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

iBlank Ok, iBlank has been out for some time now however, it has been a while since I have done a review of it. With all the iNav inspired themes lately, I thought it would be good to do another review of iBlank since it has had some updates since the last time I wrote about it. Most iNav themes seem to install blank icons or web clips when you install/activate the theme. Well, last night, I was settings up a slightly tedious iNav theme (which I will do a review of soon) that did not install blank icon automatically so, I had to use the iBlank application.

iBlank allows you to create blank icons. You can create 1 to 16 blank icons at a time. If you need more than 16 icons you can choose 16, wait for them to be created, choose 16 again, wait for them to be created and so on until you have as many as you need. What I really like about iBlank is that you can also quickly delete all your blank icons at once! If you create blank icons (they are technically web clips) using iBlank you can either delete them individually in “wiggle” mode or all at once using the iBlank application. [Read more…]

The Metal Thing – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

The Metal Thing themetalthing3 The Metal Thing is a pretty cool theme that contains 30 icons, moving wallpaper, dock, status bar, lock background, SMS background, sliders, badges, dialer, calculator…etc. This theme is unique in the fact that it has an “animated” wallpaper. In the center of the wallpaper is a blue sphere…inside the sphere you will get a nice lighting affect every once and a while. The icons also need to be in a specific order around the sphere. The rest of your icons can be placed wherever you would like them. (See screenshots below) I did notice that the animated wallpaper does making the icons a little laggy when in “move” mode however, it doesn’t seem to affect scrolling of SpringBoard pages. You can get The Metal Thing via the modmyi source. [Read more…]

Tricker ThreeG – Use SlingPlayer Mobile on 3G

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Tricker ThreeG Tricker ThreeG is a mod that allows the SlingPlayer Mobile application (available via the App Store for $29.99) to work on not only WiFi but also on 3G. It is not very often that I write about an application/mod/hack that I cannot test but, I know that allowing SlingPlayer Mobile to work on 3G is something a lot of people want. If you you own a SB, have purchased the SlingPlay Mobile application and have installed this hack…let us know how it is working for you! It would be pretty sweet if it actually works. The Tricker ThreeG apps also says that it works with Skype and Fring. You can get it via the modmyi source.


Shadow Keys – Change Your Keyboard Key Highlights

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Shadow Keys Shadow Keys is a mod that changes the color of the pop-up keys on the keyboard when you select them. This particular mod changes the it from the stock white to a gray shadow. I personally use a pink key highlights! You can get Shadow Keys via the modmyi source. You activate/deactivate the mod via WinterBoard.

Check out a few more key highlights HERE and HERE. [Read more…]

NativeUI – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

NativeUI nativeuitheme2 NativeUI is nice, clean WinterBoard theme. The theme does require just a little bit of set-up (nothing like an iNav theme does!). When you install NativeUI, there are a few things you need to do in WinterBoard. First, activate the NativeUI theme. You will also need to activate the No Docked Icons Labels and No Undocked Icon Labels options. Once out of WinterBoard, you will need to rearrange your icons slightly. In your top row of icons you want your Weather icon, your Calendar icon, a blank icon and your Clock icon. In the dock you will need the Phone, Email, SMS and iPod icons. You can put whatever icons you would like in your second and third row of icons. See the screenshots below. One thing I like about this theme is that it accommodate the WeatherIcon and LiveClock mods. There are not a ton of themes that do this, especially ones that are a little more unique like this one. [Read more…]

QuickLock – SpringBoard One Tap Lock Option

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

QuickLock QuickLock is an application that allows you to lock you iPhone or iPod Touch with one tap on your SpringBoard. When you install QuickLock, it will add an icon to your SpringBoard. When you tap on the icon your device will go into lock mode. I was surprised at how quickly it locked my iPhone. I was expecting some sort of delay when I taped the icon but, it immediately locked my device. [Read more…]

Joulz – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Joulz joulztheme3 Joulz is a simple, clean theme. It contains quite a few mods including; 446 icons, wallpaper, dock, status bar, badges, lockscreen wallpaper, sliders, calculator, notes, keypad…etc. The thing I really like about this theme is that it accommodates both the WeatherIcon and LiveClock mods, which is awesome. You also have the option to turn on a digital live clock. In order for the lockscreen to display your notifications correctly, you will also want to install the Lockscreen Clock Hide mod. Below are a few screenshots of the theme. You can get Joulz via the modmyi source. [Read more…]