New JailBreak Using, Easy Jailbreak Right From Device [video]

Dev TeamThe new jailbreak is out! Just visit from your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad and follow the instructions. We’ll have video and more soon. Video below! We’re also going to post a list of apps that work and don’t work from Cydia. Please let us know in the comments or @reply us at @iphoneschool.
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Friday Night Movie Night: Apple iPhone 4 vs Motorola Droid X

YouTubeIntomobile is doing a comparison of the iPhone 4 and one of the most powerful Android phones on the market today, the Droid X. From what I can see, it has an extra mic and extra flash, otherwise I’ll keep my iPhone. I do like the notification system better on the Android software, but even with this high power of a device, the software is still laggy and glitchy. This is part 1 so as more videos are released, we’ll try to get them here.

Friday Night Movie Night: Interview With Jay Freeman (Saurik)

CydiaThis is an interesting interview with Jay Freeman, A.K.A. Saurik, the developer of Cydia. In the video, he shows a jailbroken iPhone 4. Unfortunately, he doesn’t release any info on a release date of the jailbreak.

iPhone 4 Commercials – Meet Her, Haircut, Smile and Big News

Apple Today, Apple released four new iPhone 4 ads; Meet Her, Haircut, Smile and Big News. All four commercials demonstrate the FaceTime feature of the iPhone 4. Personally, I’m not a huge fan… check them out and let us know what you think.

The iPhone Antenna Song [Video]

youtube Ok, I’m sorry, but this guy totally cracks me up. With just a few days until I have baby #3 (yes, it is currently nameless… we are working on that!)… I could definitely use a good laugh and this video did the trick! Not only is the guy just funny but, I love what he says at the end of the video. I also think it’s hillarious that Apple opened their press conference today with this video. I’m sure many of you have already seen it but if you haven’t… totally worth checking out (video below).
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iPhone 4 Firmware Updated to 4.0.1, Doesn’t Fix Antenna Issue [video]

AppleApple has released the firmware promised to fix the signal bar issues with the new iPhone 4. To make this clear, the problem, for me, seems to be a hardware issue. When I hold the iPhone in any way that covers the gap between the two antennas, I lose signal strength. I’ve demoed this in the video below. Now, does the firmware fix the problem? Let’s find out! I’ve also recorded what happens when holding the iPhone in the same way on the new firmware, 4.0.1.

Screen shot 2010-07-15 at 1.49.09 PM
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YouTube Mobile Redesign

YouTube has updated their mobile webpage for the iPhone & iPod touch. The new layout is much cleaner and issuing HTML 5 technology. Updates include speed, larger buttons, search suggestions, ability to create playlists, ability to favorite & like. Here’s a video demo and some screenshots. [Read more…]

Trapster Update – Support Added for Background Location

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

TrapsterIf you don’t know what Trapster is, here’s a quick overview. It is “a FREE app that alerts you as you approach speed traps, red light and speed cameras, police check points, and other wallet hazards.” Before the recent update the app would give you push notifications when a hazard would be reported near you. But it only knew where you were when the app was open. So the notification could be for somewhere you were when the app was last opened, not where you are now. You can visit their website at to set up typical routes you take each day for work to make it more accurate. [Read more…]

Bluetooth Mode – Turn on Bluetooth in One Touch

Available In: Cydia       Price: $0.99  

BluetoothThis app is really simple. You just tap the icon, it toggles your Bluetooth and closes. Just one tap and you can turn on or off your Bluetooth. This should work on all iPhones and iPod touches but I could not get it to work on my iPad :( Here’s a little video of how it works:



Apple’s iPhone 4 Demo Video Now Available

applecom For those of you dieing to learn more about the iPhone 4 and it’s features, you’re in luck, Apple has already posted a nice little video that quickly runs through some of the new features of the iPhone 4 including; Retina Display, FaceTime, Multitasking, Folders, Mail, Camera/Flash, HD Video, iMovie and info on how the device was created.

You can check it out on the Apple’s site or watch it below.

Skype 2.0 Can Now Make Calls on 3G & EDGE

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

SkypePreviously, Skype for the iPhone would only let you make calls from the iPhone if it was connected to Wifi. Now you can make them even when on the 3G cellular network. It doesn’t say anything about EDGE so I’m guessing it won’t work there. I even got it to work on EDGE. Check the video below. There are also some other improvements with the recent update including enhanced call quality indicator and improved start-up time. See below for a complete list.

Of course there is a catch to all of this. AT&T is only promising this to be a free service until the end of August 2010, then they may charge a small monthly fee. [Read more…]

Friday Night Movie Night: Rend Collective Experiment – Worship on iPhone

MusicSince I work as a Technology Manager for a church, I have been tipped off to this video quite a few times. I heard about it earlier this week but I wanted to hold it for Friday Night Movie Night. This Irish band recorded their whole song using iPhones. Check out the video and the list of apps they used to pull it off!

Apps (iTunes Links)

Vocals recorded on Voice memo (Stock Applications)
Drum Kit Lite – Free
Glocken jr – $0.99
pocket guitar – $0.99
fingerpiano lite – Free
shaker – Free
real violin lite – $0.99
Guitar:play and share – $3.99


New iPad Commercial: What is iPad?

AppleApple has posted a new iPad commercial to it’s YouTube account. The video helps answer the question most people ask about the iPad, why do you need one? What’s interesting is the comparison of this commercial to a commercial from Apple back in the 90’s for the Newton. Check out both commercials below.


Another 4th Generation iPhone Found [Video]

4th Gen iPhone Oh boy, here we go again. It seems that another 4th generation iPhone has been found (this time in Vietnam) however, this one seems to be a little more polished and a little closer to the final version of the 4th gen iPhone. Unlike the one found in Cali, this one does not have the screws in the bottom next to the speakers and has all the info on the back of the iPhone (it seems to be a 16GB version).

Below are a few pics via Gizmodo and a video showing more of the detail of the iPhone. It was found in Vietnam so, I’m guessing the guy in the video is speaking Vietnamese.
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Instructions and Video Demo of Spirit Jailbreak for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad

SpiritThe Spirit jailbreak is a very quick and easy jailbreak. It can jailbreak all devices including all versions of the iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad. It can jailbreak devices on firmware 3.1.2, 3.1.3, or 3.2. This is not an unlock, so do not use this jailbreak if you want to keep your iPhone unlocked. Below are step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial on how to use the jailbreak.

NOTE: The first time we tested the Spirit jailbreak, it was with a device that was restored from a backup and we got the SWOD. However, when we tested the jailbreak again using a device with a clean restore (not from a backup) it worked perfectly.
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