Archives for July 2009

Anonymous – Send Anonymous Emails

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## Anonymous is an application that allows you to send anonymous emails. Once you install the application, and accept the agreement, you can enter the From Name, From email address, Subject, To Name and To Email address. Once all fields have been filled, select Next. This will bring you to a screen where you can enter the body of your message. After you have entered your text, select Send and your email will be sent. [Read more…]

Live Strong – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Live Strong livestrongtheme2 Live Strong is a simple yellow and black WinterBoard theme that contains 85 icons, a dock and a wallpaper. This theme does not contain any bells and whistles… it’s just the basics but, sometimes less is more! The only thing I would have like to have seen is a matching badge. Other than that… not too bad. You can get Live Strong via the modmyi source. [Read more…]

Inspell SBSettings Toggle

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free (once Inspell has been purchased)  

Inspell SBSettings Toggle Yesterday I did a review on Inspell, a spell check application. There is also an SBSettings toggle available for the Inspell application. The toggle allows you to quickly and easily turn the app on or off. Another cool feature of the toggle is that it also allows you to toggle through the dictionaries you have installed for Inspell. To toggle through the dictionaries, just tap and hold the Inspell toggle in SBSettings. It will then bring up a list of all the dictionaries installed allowing you to choose one. [Read more…]

Inspell – Spell Check for the iPhone and iPod Touch

Available In: Cydia       Price: $2.99  

Inspell Inspell is adds an additional spell checker to the iPhone and iPod Touch. Once installed, the app is well implemented and very easy to use.

Inspell, it is automatically enabled when you install the app (no icon for this one, it is a code app). You will notice that when you type a misspelled word, a red line is added underneath it. To correct the word, tap on it and then select the Select option on the pop-up. This will highlight the word and give you a new pop-up menu. The menu will include the options Cut, Copy, Paste and Correct. When you tap on correct, you will be given a list of possible corrections for your misspelled word along with the option to add the word to the dictionary (if you add the word to the dictionary, it will not underline it in the future as a misspelled word). In the list, if you see the word you would like to correct your misspelling with, just select it. The word will then be automatically corrected. [Read more…]

Dev-Team Gets Google Voice (and gives out the number!)

Dev-Team It seems the Dev-Team has some guts! They just posted on Twitter that they have a new Google Voice number… the post includes the number itself. So, if you would like to reach the Dev-Team, feel free to call (347) Dev-Team which equals (347) 338-8326. I’m not sure who you will get (maybe it is forwarding to all the Dev-Team members) or if they will even answer but, they said to feel free to leave a message. I have a feeling they might start to get inundated with calls… we will see if they regret the decision! [Read more…]

Oscuro 3.0 – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Oscuro 3.0 oscuro302 Oscuro 3.0 is a dark WinterBoard theme that contains 39 icons, dock, wallpaper, lock screen background, sliders, badges, lock screen battery, weather theme and a few other mods. The only problem with this theme is that it really needs to stay on a black background for the icons to display correctly. You can change the background but, it is pretty difficult to see the icons if you do. One good thing about the theme is that it contains a template for the icons (a .psd file). If you would like to get the file, you can ssh into the Library/Themes/Oscuro [Krs] folder and you will find it there. Oscuro 3.0 is available via the MacCiti source. [Read more…]

Acevedo Collection v2 – Wallpaper Pack

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Acevedo Collection v2 iphone-wallpaper009 Version 2 of the Acevedo Collection of wallpapers was released in Cydia. This wallpaper pack contains 12 wallpapers. 7 of them contain the Apple logo. Below are screenshots of all 12 wallpapers. Remember, when you install this wallpaper pack, the wallpapers are added to your stock Settings application under Wallpapers. You can get Acevedo Collection v2 via the MacCiti source. [Read more…]

SBSettings Update

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SBSettings SBSettings has been updated a few times since last night. The 3.0.2 update fixes the Free Memory feature that apparently was not working due to a copying error when packaging the file (and I thought I was crazy this whole time!). I did test this and it does work now. The 3.0.2 update also makes the app a little harder to open. This is implemented to help from accidental opening of SBSettings. You now need to swipe at least 50 pixels in order to open the app. I personally liked this change however, it seems that not everyone was as thrilled about it as I was so SBSettings was updated to version 3.0.3. [Read more…]

Rackspace Cloud 1.0 for iPhone

Coming Soon: App Store       Price: ??  

Rackspace CloudFor those of you who may not have noticed, our host has changed it’s name from Mosso to The Rackspace Cloud. Really, Mosso was always a company running via Rackspace. You can read more about the name change here.

Now, for the iPhone related news. The Rackspace Cloud has recently announced they are releasing API’s. This gives developers the tools and info to create apps that interact with the cloud. Someone has already started developing an iPhone app. Not a lot of details were given, but a lot of screenshots were. Check out the screenshots below. The developer states in the comments on his blog that, “The plan is to submit it this week. It’s currently in the hands of a few people at Rackspace to test and verify functionality.” [Read more…]

RedLaser – Scan Barcodes and Get Realtime Prices

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

RedLaser RedLaser is an application that scans the barcode of a product and then searches for that product and it’s prices.

When you open the app, you can begin by scanning an item. To do so just select the lighting icon on the lower menu bar which will open a screen where you can scan the barcode. You will need to line up the edges of the bar code within the arrows… the bar code needs to be upright. Once the edges are lined up, the arrows will turn green. Hold it still a split second longer (after the arrows are green) and it will automatically scan the barcode. It can be a little tricky at first but, after a few tries you will have it down. You can also manually take a picture of the bar code using the Camera button. [Read more…]

Steampunk – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Steampunk steampunk3 Steampunk is a WinterBoard theme that contains 217 icons, a dock, badges, sliders, lock screen battery, lock screen background, wallpaper…etc. Due to the design of the dock, the theme looks the best with only three rows of icons or four rows of icons without the icon label’s turned off. Also, this is an Italian theme so, many of the icons need to be renamed (see list below for details). Other than that, it does contain some pretty cool icons. You can get Steampunk via the iSpazio source. [Read more…]

Acevedo Collection v1 – Wallpaper Pack

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Acevedo Collection v1 iphone-wallpaper016 Acevedo Collection v1 is made up of random wallpapers…honestly, I’m not really sure why a few of them are in there but, they are. I only really like one of the wallpapers but, below are all the screenshots so you can check them out for yourself. Remember, when you install this wallpaper pack, the wallpapers are added to your stock Settings application under Wallpapers. You can get Acevedo Collection v1 via the MacCiti source. [Read more…]

BossPaper – Wallpaper App by BigBoss (Coming Soon)

BigBoss has a new wallpaper application in the works called BossPaper. The app will allow you to control the wallpaper on your iPhone or iPod Touch. You can choose what you want your wallpaper to be, if you want it to rotate through different wallpapers, how long you want each wallpaper displayed, what transition you want betweem wallpapers… etc. We should see a beta version of the app in Cydia in the next few days. Read the discription below for more info. [Read more…]

qTweeter Update – Upload Videos to Twitter and Facebook on First Gen iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free Trial then Donation  

qTweeter qTweeter, a Twitter application, has been updated to version 2.0. The update adds a new feature – video. The really cool part is that you can send a video tweet not only from an iPhone 3GS but also an iPhone 3G and a first gen iPhone (on the 3.0 firmware)! Very cool. [Read more…]