Archives for May 2008

Custom Digg Theme

Digg is a theme inspired by made by the famous Louie Mantia. Digg is by far my favorite theme of all the themes I have ever used or ever seen. It is just so clean and beautiful :). It only comes with stock application icons but, I made a package with more custom icons in it. If you can not find the specific custom icon you are looking for, you can just rename one of the other icons I have provided. You can get the Digg theme from the AppTapp source. Check out the screenshots below!

1. Install Digg Theme

2. Get the custom icon pack HERE

3. Download and Unzip the package.
[Read more…] adds supported firmware versions now shows you the iPhone firmware versions that the application is compatible with. You can see the IntelliScreen Page for an example. Also check out the link “Review of IntelliScreen”.

iPhone Earth

This is a video demo of iPhone Earth by It is being developed on SDK. From more info, check out THIS article.

Watch “iPhone Earth” on your iPhone or iPod Touch.

More 3G Photos

Well, if you haven’t seen enough, here are a few more claimed 3G iPhone photos. Let us know what you think. They feel very Macish to me!

See the full story on Engadget.

3G iPhone 3G iPhone

iSlsk 0.2b

iSlsk We have had a request to do a review of version 0.2b of iSlsk, a P2P client. We held off on doing a review so that we could test the update. Well, it worked great on my iPhone! I was able to search, download and import files into my iPod. So, here is a quick overview of how to use this application even though we did a review of the previous version.
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PokerSolitarus 1.000

PokerSolitarus PokerSolitarus is a new poker application available through the iSpazio source. What is cool about this Poker application is that it animated. The buttons inside the application are constantly moving. When you open the application, you will get a screen with information about the app. Just tap the screen and you will be brought to the main play screen. You will then see the options BET and BET max. You can bet anywhere from 1-5 credits. Tap the Bet button for the amount of credits you want to bet. Tap once for one credit, twice for two credits…etc. If you select max bet, [Read more…]

New Featured Widget

AppleiPhoneSchool We have added a new scrolling widget to our website (thanks to Adam). It will scroll through some of the Featured articles, pages and information. It is clickable….so, click away! Enjoy!

On a side note, I have also added two new tutorials to our f.a.q page! YAY!

IntelliScreen 0.92

IntelliScreen There are a ton of new new features since I last did an update on IntelliScreen (which was version 0.84). I’m not sure how they continue to find new features to add but, they do and they are always good!! Here is a list of what I noticed.

Display Settings – The options for the Sports Display Settings are now Space Available and Never. In the previous version they were Always and Never.

Weather – You now have the option to choose between Fahrenheit or Celsius.

News – You now have the ability to turn on/off the Google API for SAfari and choose how often you would like the new feeds to update (from every minute to once a day). I also noticed that they changed how you add a news feed. There is an actual option, in the list, that says Add News Feed. Which is very user friendly. Along with that, you can also choose the title of the News Feeds that you add.
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aMaze 1.2.0

aMaze Version 1.2.0 of aMaze adds a Settings option to the main menu. If you select Settings, you are able to Calibrate your iPhone. Just line the bag up with the circle and select Calibrate in the upper right corner. I’m not sure if calibrating helped of if the developer adjusted the accelerometer settings but, it seems to play much nicer. Though, I still wish the ball will fall into the last hole. aMaze is available through the Ste Packaging source.

aMaze 1.2.0 aMaze 1.2.0 aMaze 1.2.0

biteSMS 1.14

biteSMS The update to biteSMS adds a very cool new feature…the ability to forward text massages!! When you are in a SMS Conversation, just swipe on the text you would like to forward. This will bring up a pop-up giving your the option to forward the message or to cancel. If select forward, it open a new window where you can choose who you would like the text to forward to. Very cool new feature! Another fixes that I was glad to see was that when your iPhone auto corrects a word…they are will always be visible now! There were also a few other changes (see list below). biteSMS is available through the Ste Packaging source. Screenshots below.
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iAwake2 2.0

iAwake2 iAwake2 is an application similar to insomnia. When iAwake2 it toggled on, it allows applications to continue to run in the background using both WiFi and Edge. When you tap on the icon on your SpringBoard, it will open to a splash-screen and then close back to the SpringBoard. However, you will notice that it puts a little On badge on the icon. This means that it will now allow applications to run in the background. To turn it off, just tap the icon again which will open it to the splash-screen and close back to the SpringBoard. This time there will not be a badge on the icon this means that iAwake2 is now off. The only issue I have with these kinds of applications [Read more…]

Fresh Theme

Fresh is based off the Leaf theme, which I am a big fan of. So, I thought I would take a look at it and see what I thought. Well, I ended up really liking it! If you have been around the site for a while, you know that all my favorite backgrounds are beach pictures so this theme totally fits my style! It is a SummerBoard theme available through the ModMyiFone source.

Fresh Theme Fresh Theme

Interface Mod

I recently ran across this mod and I think it is crazy SWEET! So, I thought I would pass it along. When installed, it will change all your system buttons/taps/pop-ups to the color you choose. This includes all your toggle options, SMS pop-ups, slider bars, badges, arrows, highlights, all the buttons in applications…etc. It is available in Black, Dark Blue (which I couldn’t get to download) , Green, Grey, Lemon (actually Lime), Light Blue (Teal), Lila (Purple), Orange and Yellow. This mod is available through the iPhoneFreakz source.

Note: Only install one color at a time and if you decide you do not like that color, just uninstall it and it will go back your stock color. I have noticed that it does make some badges and arrows look a little pixilated but it’s tolerable. Doug does not like that it changes the badge color, especially in the black Interface because it makes it hard to see. Doug and I have both installed, changed and uninstall this mod with no problem.

Interface Mod Interface Mod Interface Mod [Read more…]

vWallpaper 0.9

vWallpaper The updated to version 0.9 of vWallpaper adds a new option to the Settings menu: Videos repository. This gives you the ability to add a repository to the applications. It automatically comes with the Skrew video repository however, it does have the ability to add your own source to the list. Just use the + button in the upper right corner.

Apple iPhone School has created a repo that you can add to vWallpapers that will contain all the vwallpapers from Right now, the repo has three wallpapers in it; Green Tunnel, Mario Brothers and Red and Blue Clouds (see videos below). The files are titled AIS_file name, that way you are able to easily distinguish between our vWallpapers and other vWallpapers. We will be adding quite a few more in the near future. The repo url is –

Note: This is not an installer repo, this repo will only work in the vWallpapers application. Do not try to add it as a source in Installer!
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Touchpad Pro 4.22

Touchpad Pro The update to version 4.22 of Touchpad Pro fixes a zoom bug that was present in the previous version. Touchpad Pro is available through the BigBoss source.

Touchpad Pro 4.22