iBirthdays – Keep Track of Your Contacts’ Birthdays

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free & $6.99  

iBirthday iBirthdays is an application that allows you to nicely keep track of upcoming Birthdays. I have reviewed a few Birthday applications available since the 2.x firmware (QuickBirthday and Birthday Reminder). Like most Birthday applications, the Birthdays are pulled from your Contact List. So, in order for this app to work, you have to have Birthdays assigned to your Contacts (see info below on how to do so).

When you open iBirthdays (which should not be confused for iBirthday), you get a list of your upcoming Birthdays. The list displays the contact’s Photo, Name, Birthday Date, how old they are going to be and how many months/days until their Birthday. There is also a lower menu bar in which you can view the list by All by Date (this displays the Birthdays for all your contacts starting in January and going to December), All by Name (this displays the Birthdays for all your contacts in alphabetical order by the contact’s name) and Setting. [Read more…]

iNav WinterBoard Theme – Tutorial

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

iNav inav14 I’m sure many of you have heard about the iNav theme…if not, WHAT! JK, it’s totally ok if you haven’t heard about it especially because I’m going to tell you about it right now! iNav is a theme pretty much like no other theme out there. Since it’s release, there have been many themes based off of it but, it was definitly one of a kind! It does take a few minutes (ok, like 20 minutes) and a little work (no SSHing though!) to set up this theme so, I’m going to walk you through it. First, you will need to go into Cydia and install the iNav theme via the modmyi source. If you do not already have the Categories application installed, it will install it as well. Now, let’s get into the Instructions: [Read more…]

qTweeter – Update Twitter and/or Facebook Status From Any Application

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free Trial then Donation  

qTweeter Last night, just before going to bed, I checked Cydia like I always do. I was surprised to see that Ste Packaging had released an app (it has been a while since I have seen one from them). This instantly made me a little curious about the application so, I decided to check it out. At first I was like, “Yeah, that is just what I need…another Twitter application!” But, after I installed and tested the app…it realized this was like no other Twitter application I had!

qTweeter allows you to update your Twitter and Facebook from any application. How that app works is, once installed, you can slide your finger from your status bar down the page. This brings up a nicely designed little user interface. The first time you launch the app (swipe from the status bar down) you will get a Welcome to qTweeter page. Here you will want to select the Start Using qTweeter option. [Read more…]

Nova – WinterBoard Theme

Nova is a very unique theme…it is clean and well designed. It contains 21 icons, a dock, status bar, badge and wallpaper. The only downfall is that there is no icon for the Maps application. I even took a look at the folder to make sure it wasn’t spelled incorrectly but, nope, no Maps icon. The upside is that the folder does contain a .psd file so that you can create your own icons. So, if you are ssh savvy and photoshop savvy…you could take care of the no Maps icon problem. If you are ssh or photoshop savvy…you might have to wait for an update before getting a Maps icon! Hopefully we see an update soon! [Read more…]

iSmart Dialer – Quickly Call, Text or Email Contacts Directly From Your Stock Keypad

Available In: Cydia       Price: $7.99  

iSmartDialer Ok, I have to admit that I have been procrastinating the review of this application (only because usually these apps aren’t very good) however, about ten seconds into reviewing iSmartDialer I realized I was going to be wrong with this one!

iSmartDialer is an application that allows you to easily search your contacts, send a text and send an email all from your stock dialer. Once you install the app, you will need to activate it. In order to activate it, you have to purchase it which costs $7.99(USD). So, continue reading and you can decide if this is an application you are interested in purchasing. [Read more…]

Comet – Watch Comets Fly Across Your SpringBoard

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard Comet is a just a fun little application that “randomly” shoots comets across your SpringBoard. The comets go behind your icons which actually creates a pretty cool affect. Not an app I would leave activated all the time but, fun to check out. I did find that the comets shoot WAY too often. It would be better if they were like totally random…like every couple of minutes or so…that way just as you start would start to forget about them, one would go flying by! When you install Comet, it is added to WinterBoard where it can then be activated/deactivated. It is available via the Ranbee source. Screenshots below. [Read more…]

Cydia Queue – Queue Apps in Cydia

Cydia Ok, I’m not sure how long this has been there but, I just noticed that Cydia has a Queue feature! Yesterday, I was installing an application and I decided to Cancel it instead of Confirm it (which I rarely do)…that is when I noticed the pop-up had the options to Continue Queuing or Cancel and Clear. I was like, WHAT…when did Cydia get a queue!!! So, I thought I would check it out! Here is how it works.

When you select Install on an application, you get the next screen in which you can Confirm or Cancel the install. If you select Cancel, you are given the option to queue it or to cancel the install. If you select Continue Queuing, it will keep that app in a “Queue.” You are then able to add more applications to the queue by selecting them, selecting install, selecting cancel and then selecting the Continue Queuing option. Once you have added all the apps you would like to install to the queue, you can select Install on the last application and then select Confirm (you will notice that all the apps in your queue are listed on the Confirm page)…this will install all the apps in your queue. [Read more…]

Battle Dot – Accelerometer Based Game

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Battle Dot We have not seen a ton of games released on the jailbreak scene since firmware 2.x (not like we had with 1.1.4 and below) however, Battle Dot showed up today in Cydia. It is an accelerometer based game in which you move your player (the dot) by tilting your iPhone. The game is well designed and fun to play. So, lets take a look at it!

When you open Battle Dot, you get a nice instruction page. Once you have read the instructions, just tap the screen. You can then tilt your iPhone to move the dot into the 1 player or 2 player door (that is the open space at the top of the screen). You will then get a screen in which you can choose to play one of four different arenas. Each arena has a unique element to make the game a little trickier. The first arena (from left to right) has a tornado that you want to aviod, the second arena is broke into four separate squares that you have to try to maneuver through, the third arena has a bar that moves back and forth across the play screen and the forth arena has a constantly rotating open circle in the middle of the play screen. To select an arena, just move your dot through it’s “door way.”
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Microsoft Buys Cydia

Cydia Ok, many of you have probably seen the new announcement in Cydia…that Microsoft has bought Cydia. This morning when I opened Cydia, I was greeted with a “new” tag on the announcement by Saurik. Of course my curiosity immediately sparked so, I clicked on the link. I then read a short blurb about how Microsoft had bought Cydia and how Cydia might be in for a few changes. Just as I finished reading the story, Doug walked around the corner and I (in a small state of shock and confusion) said, “Microsoft bought Cydia.” That is when Doug gently reminded me that today was April Fool’s Day!! I’m sad to say that I fell for this one (and I know I’m not the only one!!!). [Read more…]

6 iPhone 3.0 Icons – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

6 iPhone 3.0 Icons 6 iPhone 3.0 Icons is a theme that includes the Stocks, iPod, Phone, Voice Memos, SMS and MMS icons from the 3.0 firmware. When you install 6 iPhone 3.0 Icons (via the iSpazio source), it will add the theme into WinterBoard where it can then be activated/deactivated. When activated, the Phone, Stocks, iPod and SMS icons will change to the 3.0 icons however, you will not see the Voice Memos or MMS icons due to the fact that there are no apps with these titles on your SpringBoard (or at least not on my SpringBoard). But, the icons are in the theme’s folder so if you want them you can go to Library/Themes/iPhone 3.0 Icons/Icons folder on your iPhone or iPod Touch. I also added them to this post (see screenshots below) The theme only contains these six icons. I will say that I’m a little confused by the MMS icon…I’m not sure if it is based on the country you are in or what but, Doug does not have that icon on his 3.0 upgrade.
[Read more…]

3.0 Beta Icons – Look like you have 3.0 Firmware!

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

3.0 Beta Icons30betaiconstheme2 3.0 Beta Icons is a mod that will change your SMS, Phone and iPod icons to look like the icons that come with the 3.0 firmware. When I installed this app, it did not show up in WinterBoard and my icons did not change to the 3.0 icons so, I did what I always do…restarted my iPhone. However, that didn’t work so I uninstalled and reinstalled that app…that still didn’t work so I did some digging. When I SSH’d into my iPhone I found that the files had been added into the main root directory in a folder titled 3.0. So, I just copies the three icon files and added them into WinterBoard as a theme (instructions below) and then activated the theme in WinterBoard…it worked. Hopefully we see an update to the app that puts the folder in the correct place…which I’m assuming would be WinterBoard. This mod is available via the PwnCenter source.

Note: The Stocks icon is also different in the 3.0 Firmware but, that icon is not included in this theme.
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Rotation Inhibitor – Turn off Auto-Rotating Feature

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Rotation Inhibitor Rotation Inhibitor is a toggle for SBSettings (I seriously love SBSettings…sorry, tangent). The toggle allows you to turn on/off the auto-rotate feature. This includes the auto-rotating in Safari, iPod or anything else that changes orientation when you turn your iPhone or iPod Touch. I was SUPER excited when I saw this toggle in Cydia. I don’t know about you but, when I am laying in bed and surfing the web (you know you do it!), it is so annoying when my iPhone switches to landscape mode (or continues to rotate between portrait and landscape mode!). Anyway, once you install the application, you will then need to go into SBSettings and make sure that it is activated. If it doesn’t automatically show up, you will need to go into the More option in SBSettings and then the Set Toggles option and turn on Rotation. [Read more…]

Flash- WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard flashtheme3 Flash is an interesting theme that is available via the iSpazio source. The stock theme comes with a wallpaper and 42 icons, 19 of which are extra icons that can be labeled (via SSH) as any application you would like. The 19 extra icons actually come in handy since both the Stocks and iTunes icons do not have an icon when the theme is installed stock.

Honestly, it took a little bit of work to get this theme to a state in which I thought it looked good. When you install it, there is no icon for Stocks or iTunes. However, because there are 19 extra icons, you can SSH in and pick any of those 19 and easily rename them to Stocks and iTunes. Also, the theme doesn’t comes with a dock so, I turned on the Transparent Dock and the ReflectiveDock in WinterBoard. This made the theme look better. I did go one step further and changed the wallpaper to just a plain black wallpaper so that there wasn’t so much going on in the theme. Below are screenshots of the theme stock and what it looks like after a few tweeks. [Read more…]

A Falling Sand Game

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

A Falling Sand Game Yes, that is right…the title of the application is A Falling Sand Game (which for some reason I find funny! :)) This port is brought to us by ZodTTD…who also brought us psx4iphone, quake4iphone, genesis4iPhone, snes4iphone…etc. A Falling Sand Game is similar to EvolutionRGB (one of Doug’s absolute favorite games!) which we had in firmware 1.1.4.

So, like EvolutionRGB, the object of the “game” is to manipulate the environment. When the app opens, you can begin by selecting Let The Sand Fall. This will bring you to the main play screen where you see a few options. The little icons represent particles…such as, water, fire, sand, oil, plant, dirt…etc. Each particle responds differently with the rest for example, fire burns plants but water puts out fire. Once you select a particle, just drag your finger on the screen to drag that particle. You can also adjust the size of the particle using the slider bar. [Read more…]

Cydia Store Now Open!

CydiaAfter a long night, the Cydia Store is now open! Just to clear some things up, the Cydia Store is not a different application. It’s just an update to the current Cydia App. For those of you who do not know what I’m talking about, you will need to jailbreak your iPhone to get Cydia. It was also expected to be released last night but took a little longer than expected. Here’s some of the updates from the developer through the night and this morning that give out more details: [Read more…]