Cydia Store Launching “Tonight”

CydiaAccording to a recent tweet from @Saurik, “Tonight (late) a new Cydia will come out with one package “for sale” (more over the next week): more details will be in Cydia.” This is also confirmed in an article from the Wall Street Journal that talks about the drama of Apple trying to call jailbreaking the iPhone illegal. I personally do not think it’s illegal to jailbreak the iPhone. The iPhone is a computer running OS X. Just like my iMac, I can install whatever I want on it. [Read more…]

Brick Avoid

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Brick Avoid Brick Avoid was actually released earlier this week however, when I went to test it, I thought it was broken. I expected to see an update for the app but, I never did. Well, this morning, my 2 year old son showed me that it indeed was not broken just user error! When you open the application, you will get a loading screen in which you need to tap to continue into the application. You will then get another “loading” screen in which you also have to tap to get to the main menu of the application.

On the main menu you have the options; Start Game, Settings, HighScores, About and Quit. The Setting and HighScores options are not available at this time. Once you have selected Start Game, the game will begin when you tap and hold on the little guy. You then need to continue to hold the guy as you move him around the screen to avoid being hit by the bricks. Once you are hit by a brick, you will get a screen displaying how long you were able to avoid being hit.
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Dark Collection v1 & v2 Wallpaper Packs

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Dark Collection dcv2birds The MacCiti source has released a few wallpaper packs…Dark Collection v1 and Dark Collection v2. Dark Collection v1 wallpaper pack contains 20 wallpapers. Most of which are abstract wallpapers that have dark backgrounds. Dark Collection v2 wallpaper pack contains 16 abstract, dark wallpapers. Below are screenshots of all the wallpapers. If you are getting bored with your current theme’s wallpaper and are looking for a change, you might want to check these out.
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WeatherIcon Updates – Fixes Status Bar Icons

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon There have been a few updates to the WeatherIcon mod in the last day or so. They have been just simple updates but, I was happy to see them. If you use the Status Bar icons feature of the mos, then you have probably noticed that the right side of your weather image was getting cut off. Well, the first update fixes that issue. However, you probably also notice that he right side of your other Status Bar notification icons (mail, SMS…etc) where also getting cut off. The second update fixes that issue. So, overall, the mod looks much nicer now! The only thing I am waiting for now is an update that fixes the battery drain problem! Doug and I both have been experiencing major battery drain since turning on the Status Bar mod.
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MyWoodWall WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

MyWoodWall mywoodwall4 MyWoodWall is a theme that actually uses one of my favorite icon sets (ChalkWork) from back in the day. The only issue I am having with themes is that I have a hard time making them look good with the WeatherIcon and LiveClock mods. I looked (via ssh) to see if there were any blank icons in the set that I could rename as the Weather or Clock icons but, I didn’t see any. You can get the MyWoodWall theme via the iSpazio source. Below are a few screenshots of the them.
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Stack Application Discontinued

Stack Earlier this week, we wrote about all the new features that version 2.2 of Stack was going to include. Cool things like; repositioning the stack on the dock by dragging it around, themeable grid, removal prompt…etc. Well, it seems that due to frustration with piracy of his App Store apps, the developer of Stack is no longer going to be developing Stack. As a matter of fact, the application will be completely removed from Cydia in the next few days (so, make sure you get it while you can). Below is a quote from Steven’s post.
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No Dock Reflections

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard Honestly, I was slightly confused when I saw this app (No Dock Reflections) in Cydia. The purpose of the application is to allow the ability to turn of the dock reflections if you have the ReflectiveDock mod installed. What had me confused is that when I did a review of the ReflectiveDock mod when it was first released, it already added a “no dock reflections” option into WinterBoard….so, I didn’t see the reason why we would need it again as a seperate package. Well, after uninstalling and reinstalling both application I realized that somewhere along the line of updates, the ReflectiveDock mod no longer shows up in WinterBoard once installed and no longer installs an option to turn off the dock reflections. So, therefore, No Dock Reflections is a much needed and very useful application (though, I personally hardly ever turn off the dock reflections)! [Read more…]

Parts WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard partstheme2 Parts is a new theme that is avialable via the MacCiti source. It reminds me of a few other of my favorite themes…it has an abstract feel to it. The theme includes the basic mods; wallpaper, icons, dock and status bar. Check it out!

How to Install

1. Your device must be jailbroken. (how?)
2. Make sure you have WinterBoard installed via Cydia.
2. Make sure you have the MacCiti sourceinstalled in Cydia.
3. Search for Parts in Cydia, run the install.
4. Open WinterBoard and activate the Parts theme.
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FiveIrows – Five Rows of Icons on your SpringBoard (six counting the dock icons)

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

FiveIrows I know many of you are patiently waiting the release of the FCSB (which has technically been released in Cydia just not by the actual developer). Well, while you wait, you could try out the FiveIrows mod. This mod allows for five rows of icons (technically six if you count the icons in the dock).

When installed, it will automatically adjusts your icons so that you are able to fit five rows on your SpringBoard. It also adds a theme to WinterBoard called FiveIRows Page Dots which will also adjust your page dots to fit better with the five rows of icons. I also noticed that when installed, it stops your icons from wiggling when in “move” mod. Not a huge issue but, reminds me of a lot of other mods of this type…they all seem to stop the wiggling. [Read more…]

Progress Bar Mods – Change Color of Download Progress Fill

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Progress Bar Mods progresscolors6 Below are a few mods that change the color of your download progress fill bar when you are installing an application from the App Store. Not to be confused with the Safari Progress Bar mod. There are a few colors available for this mod. One packages titled Progress Colors allow you the ability to to change your progress bar yellow, red, purple, orange, green, black or cool gray. Progress Colors is available through the ModMyi source and when install, adds all seven color choices into WinterBoard where they can be activated and deactivated. [Read more…]

PwnCenter and Steffwiz Source Updates

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

PwnCenter Both the PwnCenter and Steffwiz sources were “updated” in Cydia. The update adds the Steffwiz source into the PwnCenter source. When you install the PwnCenter source package (version 0-1) in Cydia, it will remove the Steffwiz source from your iPhone or iPod Touch. The source url for the PwnCenter source has not changed, it just now adds all the Steffwiz apps into the PwnCenter source.

Updated Sources Page

AiS I spent the afternoon updating our Sources page with all of the current sources available for install via Cydia and ones that can be added manually. I updated the Language Sources section as well. Sourcea with an * indicate sources that can be added through the More Package Sources section in Cydia. Sources without an * will need to be added manually. For more info on adding sources to Cydia (both manually and through Cydia)…check out THIS guide.

Doug updated the Jailbreak, Unlock and Firmware pages as well.

Check them out!

Dev Team Repo Update

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Dev Team Doug and I have noticed in recent days that the Dev Team’s repo, that we had manually added to Cydia, was not working and we were not able to download the newest version of yellowsn0w. Well, it seems that they have released a new source via Cydia. So, no more adding the source manually…just open Cydia and install the Dev-Team source package. When you install the source, you are then able to install the new version of yellowsn0w, 0.9.7, which is compatibly with the “pwned 2.2.1 system (not baseband). Again remember 0.9.7 yellowsn0w DOES NOT WORK WITH 2.2.1 (02.30.03) directly – you need to be running a ‘pwned’ version of 2.2.1 which didn’t upgrade the baseband during the restore/upgrade.” [Read more…]

Cydia Update – 1.0.2712-43

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Cydia There was an update to Cydia recently. I didn’t notice any huge new changes though, I did notice a few things. When you first open Cydia, it now says Loading Data on the screen instead of just sitting there loading. Which, I guess is nice info! I noticed something similar when refreshing the Changes option and installing an application. It now says Reloading Data on the screen when it updates the Changes page and when it installs/updates the app…you can then select the Return to Cydia option. Another thing I noticed is that a lot more packages seem to have the fancy animated icons…which is cool. [Read more…]

WinterBoard Themes and Mods

Available In: cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard Below are six themes and two mods that have recently been released in Cydia. The six themes include; Patches (via modmyi), iAdobi (via modmyi), Burnt Paper (via modmyi), oGn (via BigBoss), Apple 2009 (via iSpazio) and Apple 2009 Red Edition. The two mods include; Ice Keys (via modmyi) which is a mod that will change the design of the keys on the keyboard when you select them and Smaller Wide Sliders (via modmyi) which your stock slider bars wider. All of these mods are activated via WinterBoard and below are screenshots of all the mods! [Read more…]