Archives for March 2009

ListOmni – Create and Edit Lists

Available In: App Store       Price: $6.99  

ListOmni If you’ve read any of my previous posts, you’ve come to know me as a person who’s very interested in being organized and a big believer in Getting Things Done. As mentioned in my recent review of Organizer, I’m a pretty Type A type of guy. Lots of usage with Outlook, GCal, Toodledo, etc. So, I was excited to give ListOmni a test run to see if it would be able to earn a coveted spot in my organization regimen.

Listomni is a detailed application that allows you to create and edit numerous lists. The built-in lists include a grocery list, a to do list, a gifts list, but the program has several other lists to keep track of books, movies, cards, and more. You can create lists of your own using a generic list template, and options include backing up lists, sorting through lists, and creating budgets for lists that would benefit from such an ability.
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Customize 2.2.1

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

CustomizeWell I thought this was going to be big news. And, it’s a start… If you remember Customize you know what I’m talking about. But for those of you who don’t, here’s a little info. Customize lets you change all kinds of things on your iPhone or iPod Touch: sounds, system strings (like the Slide to Unlock text), icons, wallpaper, etc. There’s also a huge theme database within the app. It’s all very nice but tonight, it’s just not working for us. Very buggy, crashing our iPhones, not keeping changes, etc. We’ll keep testing it and watching for updates but I’d wait on this one for now.

Their site is also back up and running where you can upload your own themes from your computer that will show up in the list right on the app. Here’s a quote from the front page of their site:

Customize 2.2.1 (compatible with iPhone 2.2.1 firmware) is now available. You can download it here:

It will also become available through Cydia Installer soon.

Best, Spicy

Check out some of our past articles on Customize.

Thanks to Ed for tipping us off to this!

New Web Site Design

AiS Hi guys! Welcome to the new web site design! I know…we have been talking about a new design for a long time now but, we have been working hard on it the last few weeks and it is finally ready for launch (at least as far as we can tell! :)). We hope you enjoy the new design and some of the new features that it brings. Our goal was to create a site that is constantly changing and up-dating thus making it more interactive. If you are really scared…just select the Blog option on the top menu bar and it might feel a little more comfortable! :) Let us know in the comment what you think.

A Falling Sand Game

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

A Falling Sand Game Yes, that is right…the title of the application is A Falling Sand Game (which for some reason I find funny! :)) This port is brought to us by ZodTTD…who also brought us psx4iphone, quake4iphone, genesis4iPhone, snes4iphone…etc. A Falling Sand Game is similar to EvolutionRGB (one of Doug’s absolute favorite games!) which we had in firmware 1.1.4.

So, like EvolutionRGB, the object of the “game” is to manipulate the environment. When the app opens, you can begin by selecting Let The Sand Fall. This will bring you to the main play screen where you see a few options. The little icons represent particles…such as, water, fire, sand, oil, plant, dirt…etc. Each particle responds differently with the rest for example, fire burns plants but water puts out fire. Once you select a particle, just drag your finger on the screen to drag that particle. You can also adjust the size of the particle using the slider bar. [Read more…]

PlayGround – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard playgroundtheme2 PlayGround is not a new theme for the iPhone and/or iPod Touch…we saw this theme back on the 1.1.4 (and below) firmware. However, it seems it has made it’s way to the 2.x firmware. The theme contains 120 icons (though, once again does not contain an icon for the App Store), a dock and a wallpaper. You can get PlayGround via the iSpazio source.

How to Install

1. Your device must be jailbroken. (how?)
2. Make sure you have WinterBoard installed via Cydia.
2. Make sure you have the iSpazio source installed in Cydia.
3. Search for PlayGround in Cydia, run the install.
4. Open WinterBoard and activate the PlayGround theme.
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CBS Sports NCAA March Madness On Demand

CBS Sports NCAA March Madness On DemandOk, I’m gonna be very honest with you here. I’m not a big sports fan. Ever since Jordan retired from the NBA, I pretty much only watch the finals of any sport. Anyway, if you are a college basketball fan this app is for you. With this app you can stream the video of every game, live from your iPhone or iPod Touch. This only works when connected to wifi but you can listen to audio if you’re on a cellular connection. Along with live video & audio, there are game recaps, bracket info, and up to the minute scores and headlines.
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Contract Free iPhone From AT&T

AT&TAT&T has officially confirmed the rumors of a contract free iPhone. The price is steep but if you’re interested, the 8GB is $599 and the 16GB is $699 and will be available March 26th. On the other end of the price spectrum you can get a refurbished iPhone on AT&T’s site right now for $99 or $199, depending on the size. That, of course, requires a 2 year contract. This all feeds the idea of a new iPhone coming early this summer.

WinterBoard Updates – Per-Page Wallpaper

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard In the last week or so there have been a few updates to WinterBoard. The updates do not make any changes to the user interface of the app but, they do add a few cool new options like per page wallpapers….meaning the ability to have a different wallpaper on each page of your SpringBoard. Below is a list of all the changes for each update. Though, I’m still waiting for that huge update that makes WinterBoard a little more user friendly and gives it a nice clean user interface!!

Note: If you would like to have a different wallpaper on each page of your SpringBoard, you will need to label the wallpapers inside your theme as … Page0.png (first page), Page1.png (second page), Page2.png (third page) and so on.
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iWorld – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard iworldtheme2 iWorld is a simple theme that includes 83 icons (though, no App Store icon!), a dock and a wallpaper. This is the type of theme I use when I am looking for something simple, clean and easy to read. And for some reason this theme makes me feel calm…might be a good theme for those stressful days! :) You can get iWorld via the iSpazio source.

How to Install

1. Your device must be jailbroken. (how?)
2. Make sure you have WinterBoard installed via Cydia.
2. Make sure you have the iSpazio source installed in Cydia.
3. Search for iWorld in Cydia, run the install.
4. Open WinterBoard and activate the iWorld theme.
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Engadget’s Video Demo of Firmware 3.0

Original Article:

3.0 Firmware is Jailbreakable (according to Dev Team)

Dev Team The Dev Team updated their blog recently to give us some information about unlocking and jailbreaking the 3.0 firmware. Below is what they have to say.

“With all of the great stuff lined up for us with the 3.0 OS that Apple described today, many 3G owners may find themselves with itchy update fingers. If you find yourself with access to the 3G IPSW for 3.0 via the iPhone Dev Center program, and you are using yellowsn0w, do not update or restore to that official IPSW. You will lose yellowsn0w and find yourself unable to revert the baseband to get it back.

And for those wondering, yes the 3.0 OS is jailbreakable on all devices. It’s just those using 3G yellowsn0w that have to show some restraint and wait for PwnageTool to create a custom IPSW that avoids the baseband update.”

New Poll – What are your top five favorite features of the new 3.0 firmware?

AiS" Well, since yesterday’s poll is a little outdated already…here is a new one!

Apple actually did surprising well yesterday with the updates in firmware 3.0…there were quite a few new features added (check out THIS post to see them all). Some of my favorites include; copy & paste, push notification, spotlight search, the new options for accessories and peer-to-peer connectivity. However, I know a few of you are still waiting for those certain features (video recording…etc). Let us know in the comments what features you are still waiting for.

What are your top five favorite features of the new 3.0 firmware? (You can pick five)

View Results

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Stats from iPhone Firmware 3.0 Preview Announcement

Apple usually starts off their announcements with stats about sales, downloads, etc. Today there was a lot of info and here’s the recap:

The iPhone is now sold in 80 countries.
The iPhone Sales goal in 2008 was 10 million, they sold 13.7 million.
17 million iPhones have been sold since launch.
30 million total devices (iPhones & iPod Touch) have been sold.
There have been over 800,000 downloads of the free SDK (Software Developer Kit)
There are over 50,000 paid iPhone developers.
60% had never developed for Apple products before.
There are over 25,000 apps in the App Store.
96% of apps submitted have been approved & 98% of those were done in 7 days or less,
There have been over 800 million apps downloaded.


With all of that, keep in mind the App Store was launched less than a year ago… Congrats to all iPhone developers!

Watch Firmware 3.0 Preview Video

AppleApple has released today’s keynote previewing the upcoming iPhone firmware 3.0. Here is a link to the video: We will be breaking down each feature in articles to come.


iPhone Firmware 3.0 Preview (liveblog)

AppleToday Apple will be previewing new firmware for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Apple has said nothing about features yet but there are lots of rumors including copy & paste and MMS (picture messaging). There’s also rumors of a better graphical interface to keep up with the new Palm Pre. The event will start at the following time: 7:00am Hawaii, 10:00am Pacific, 11:00am Mountain, 12:00pm Central, 1:00pm Eastern, 5:00pm London, 6:00pm Paris, 2:00am Tokyo (March 18th)

Firmware 3.0

10:53 About an hour to go!

12:03 Event has begun, info should start flowing here shortly

12:03 iPhone Sales = 17 Million, with iPod Touches total = 30 Million (in 80 countries)

12:04 800,000 downloads, 50,000 joined paid SDK
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