Reflective Dock Update – Adds Setting Options

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Reflective Dock The Reflective Dock mod is a mod that allows the icons on your dock to have reflections. Well, it seems that Mr. David Ashman has updated the mod adding all sorts of new settings.


Once installed, you can now go into your stock Settings application and you will see a Reflective Dock option. Here you are able to Enable/Disable the application (no more need for WinterBoard), turn on/off the Reflect All Icons option, turn on/off the Use Gradient options and adjust the Opacity, Reflection Gap, Reflection Length Factor and the Horizontal Shift.

reflectivedock1732 reflectivedock1733 reflectivedock1734

I’m going to briefly describe what each option does. The Reflect All Icons option, when turned on, will reflect all icons on your SpringBoard and not just the icons in your dock. [Read more…]

qTweeter – Update Twitter and/or Facebook Status From Any Application

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free Trial then Donation  

qTweeter Last night, just before going to bed, I checked Cydia like I always do. I was surprised to see that Ste Packaging had released an app (it has been a while since I have seen one from them). This instantly made me a little curious about the application so, I decided to check it out. At first I was like, “Yeah, that is just what I need…another Twitter application!” But, after I installed and tested the app…it realized this was like no other Twitter application I had!

qTweeter allows you to update your Twitter and Facebook from any application. How that app works is, once installed, you can slide your finger from your status bar down the page. This brings up a nicely designed little user interface. The first time you launch the app (swipe from the status bar down) you will get a Welcome to qTweeter page. Here you will want to select the Start Using qTweeter option. [Read more…]

WinterBoard Updates – Per-Page Wallpaper

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard In the last week or so there have been a few updates to WinterBoard. The updates do not make any changes to the user interface of the app but, they do add a few cool new options like per page wallpapers….meaning the ability to have a different wallpaper on each page of your SpringBoard. Below is a list of all the changes for each update. Though, I’m still waiting for that huge update that makes WinterBoard a little more user friendly and gives it a nice clean user interface!!

Note: If you would like to have a different wallpaper on each page of your SpringBoard, you will need to label the wallpapers inside your theme as … Page0.png (first page), Page1.png (second page), Page2.png (third page) and so on.
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Cydia Store Now Open!

CydiaAfter a long night, the Cydia Store is now open! Just to clear some things up, the Cydia Store is not a different application. It’s just an update to the current Cydia App. For those of you who do not know what I’m talking about, you will need to jailbreak your iPhone to get Cydia. It was also expected to be released last night but took a little longer than expected. Here’s some of the updates from the developer through the night and this morning that give out more details: [Read more…]

WeatherIcon Mod Updates 1.9.1 and 1.9.2

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon I was excited to see the update to the WeatherIcon mod last night…the updated boasted improved battery performance, memory improvements, fixing the Safe Mode issue and better rendering of the status bar icons…all of which I was very excited about!! So, I updated the app last night and instantly encountered a few problems. After updating, all I would get was a ? on my status bar and my weather icon. I restarted my iPhone and then waited a bit and the ? did eventually go away (though, it continued to come back randomly throughout the night). Well, it seems this was fixed with another update to the app this morning! Which, so far, has seemed to fix the problem. However, I am still having a few other issues.
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WeatherIcon Updates – Fixes Status Bar Icons

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon There have been a few updates to the WeatherIcon mod in the last day or so. They have been just simple updates but, I was happy to see them. If you use the Status Bar icons feature of the mos, then you have probably noticed that the right side of your weather image was getting cut off. Well, the first update fixes that issue. However, you probably also notice that he right side of your other Status Bar notification icons (mail, SMS…etc) where also getting cut off. The second update fixes that issue. So, overall, the mod looks much nicer now! The only thing I am waiting for now is an update that fixes the battery drain problem! Doug and I both have been experiencing major battery drain since turning on the Status Bar mod.
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iSpazio Source Update

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

iSpazio Source ispazio0-31 There is an update to the iSpazio source in Cydia. The update changes the source url. I know a lot of you have said that lately you have been experiencing problems with the iSpazio source so, hopefully the update will help. The new source url is

Cydia Update – 1.0.2712-43

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Cydia There was an update to Cydia recently. I didn’t notice any huge new changes though, I did notice a few things. When you first open Cydia, it now says Loading Data on the screen instead of just sitting there loading. Which, I guess is nice info! I noticed something similar when refreshing the Changes option and installing an application. It now says Reloading Data on the screen when it updates the Changes page and when it installs/updates the app…you can then select the Return to Cydia option. Another thing I noticed is that a lot more packages seem to have the fancy animated icons…which is cool. [Read more…]

WeatherIcon – Updating Weather Icon (Updated…scroll down)

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WeatherIcon I wrote a post this morning about a reflective dock application. I also warned in that post about another application title WeatherIcon (available through the same source). I received word today that the application had been upgraded and no longer creating crashing problems so, I decided to check it out.

Ok, I had this post written this afternoon but, I had to completely rewrite it tonight! We have done a lot of testing on this application and it does work however, it is going to take some explaining. So, take a deap breath and then continue reading!

When you install the WeatherIcon app in Cydia (be sure you install version 1.1.1 or newer), it adds an option to your WinterBoard titled Weather Icon. When you select the Weather Icon option in WinterBoard, it will activate the application. When the app is activated, it changes your stock weather icon to a blank weather icon and then puts the new temp and weather image on top of the blank weather icon. [Read more…]

LiveTime – Animated Clock Icon

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

LiveTime LiveTime is an application that animates and updates the clock icon on your SpringBoard…allowing it to continually display the current time. When you install LiveTime, it will automatically begin to animate your clock icon. The hour and minute hand will show the current time and the second hand will move accordingly. Now, when you first install the application, it is an overlay on your stock icon. So, you will see the stock time (10:15 and 0 seconds) underneath the animated clock. However, when you installed LiveTime, it also added a theme to WinterBoard titled; LiveTime Clock. If you go into WinterBoard and activate the theme, it will change the icon so that you only see the animated clock. [Read more…]

Facebook Updated

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

FacebookA friend of mine send me this text message using the Emoji hack for the iPhone.

He was trying to tell me that the Facebook app for the iPhone and iPod Touch was updated today. No new features here but lots of bug fixes and stability improvements. Here’s the list provided by Facebook: [Read more…]

WinterBoard Update Version 0.9.2692-1

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard The update to WinterBoard seems to make one small visual change to the application. If one of the themes/mods has a long title, it looks little cleaner now (at least I think it does…that might be from the last update and I just forgot!). Other than that, there were not any changes to the actual UI of the application. Below is the complete change log.

Version 0.9.2692-1 Change Log:
    • Theme Widget WebApp Clips Icons
    • FontName-* Key to Replace Fonts
    • Improved Long Label Rendering
    • Sped up UIImage Cache Access
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Cydia Update 1.0.2684-40

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Cydia I was surprised to open Cydia and see any update for Cydia itself! The update to version 1.0.2684-40 of Cydia does make some nice changes to the application.

The first change I noticed was that when you select an application in Cydia, there have been a few changes to the look of the package Details page. The first change you will notice is that the icon, title of the app and version of app are now at the top of the page. Below this, there is now a new option; Change Package Settings. This option allows you to turn on/off Show All Changes. It says that the Changes option (on the lower menu bar) will only show upgrades to installed packages however, you can turn on Show All Changes for any application that you do not have installed to see any changes made to it as well. The other new addition to the package details page is nice new icons next to each section! Which I think look great!! [Read more…]

Doodles (simple drawing application) Upate – Version 1.1-1

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Doodles I do not normally write about updates to applications but, I was impressed with how quickly an update for Doodles was released and with the features it fixed/changed!

If you remember from my initial review of Doodles, there were a few issue with the ability to change the background once you had selected it. In the previous version of the application, if you used a photo as the background, you were unable to change it. Well, with this version, that has been fixed. You can now change the background no matter what it is. [Read more…]

WootWatch Update

WootWatchThe update promised by the developer has been released and WootWatch works again! had changed some code on their site which ’caused the WootWatch app to become inoperable. The developer pushed an emergency update to correct the problem.